Tools of the Trade Part 3: Anonymous X on Buying and Acquiring ID Data

Tools of the Trade Part 3: Anonymous X on Buying and Acquiring ID Data

We wrap up our online webinar with Anonymous X, who dives into phishing techniques and how they find stolen IDs online.


Episode 3 of our Tools of the Trade webinar will conclude our in-depth interview with Anonymous X, an online fraudster we sourced on the dark web.
If you’ve missed part 1, they explained how to fool IP analysis software. In part 2, they focused on using fake email addresses and phone numbers.

In our final episode, our fraudster explains:

  • The basics of phishing and why it’s so effective,
  • What kind of email marketing tools work for phishing,
  • When malware and keyloggers still work,
  • When it makes sense to purchase stolen data on marketplaces.
  • And much more…

You can watch the full episode above.

For more information, you can listen to our podcast interview with other fraudsters here.

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Data Enrichment | Browser Fingerprinting | Device Fingerprinting | Fraud Detection API

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