8 Best Fraud Detection Software and Tools in 2024

List of Fraud Detection Software

What Is Fraud Detection Software?

Fraud detection software is designed to automatically stop online fraud. The software analyses online user actions and, based on your risk rules, blocks those that are deemed high risk.

A high-risk user action can be a payment, signup, or login, among others. The fraud detection software must be setup to analyse user or payment data, analyse that data via risk rules, and decide if it is risky or not.

Fraud detection software is often deployed to prevent payment fraud and chargebacks, identity fraud, and account takeover fraud, and a key advantage is that it can run automatically with little to no human oversight.

Top Features of Modern Fraud Detection Software

Modern fraud detection has evolved into sophisticated technology, integrating multiple aspects into a single, streamlined platform. Here’s what the new age of fraud prevention looks like:

  • Consolidated solution: Modern fraud detection integrates all necessary data and tools into one platform, eliminating the need for multiple systems. This approach enhances collaboration between fraud prevention and AML teams, improving operational efficiency and defenses.
  • Real-time intelligence: Top-tier systems provide live data feeds from credible sources, tracking customers’ digital footprints in real time. The ideal solution checks for device, email, phone, IP insights, and sanctions and watchlists for AML compliance, enabling accurate fraud and money laundering prevention.
  • Transparent, AI-driven insights: AI-suggested rules with transparent decision-making processes allow managers to understand the logic behind each detection, fostering trust in the system compared to opaque machine learning methods.
  • Customizable and adaptive: Modern solutions quickly adapt to new threats and business changes. Customizable rules based on changing needs ensure a proactive approach to fraud prevention and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Quick integration: Modern solutions emphasize quick and efficient deployment, reducing complexity and implementation time. This ensures businesses benefit from advanced fraud detection capabilities sooner, with minimal disruption.

Top 8 Fraud Detection Software Companies

Disclaimer: Everything you’ll read in this article was gleaned from online research, including user reviews. We did not have time to test every tool manually. This article was last updated in Q2 2024. Please feel free to contact us to request an update/correction.



Granular, Flexible, and Transparent

SEON is the leading fraud prevention and anti-money laundering platform transforming how top-tier risk teams fight fraud. Founded initially to solve fraud problems in the crypto space, the company has evolved to protect over 5,000 global companies, including Afterpay, Revolut, Wise, Bilt and Branch.

SEON uses real-time digital footprinting, device intelligence, and a customizable AI-driven rules engine to help businesses detect and prevent threats. Specializing in iGaming, fintech, financial services, and ecommerce, SEON has prevented $200 billion in fraud. It is highly trusted, with over 300 positive reviews on G2, Capterra, and the AWS Marketplace.

SEON’s Features

  • End-to-end solution: SEON offers a comprehensive solution for fraud and money laundering prevention, covering the entire customer journey. Its custom-built technology provides a seamless, integrated experience, boosting collaboration and efficiency among fraud and compliance teams while saving time, resources, and avoiding third-party fees.
  • Extensive real-time data: SEON provides real-time, direct-to-source insights from 90+ digital and social sites, device intelligence, IP and BIN lookups, card checks, and extensive money laundering screening. This includes data on politically exposed persons, sanctions, crime lists, watchlists, and adverse media. Consolidating all essential data on a single platform helps detect complex patterns, preventing fraud and money laundering proactively.
  • Transparent, AI-driven insights: SEON combines powerful blackbox algorithms with transparent whitebox models to detect emerging patterns and provide clear, actionable insights into suspicious activities. This dual approach allows you to understand detection logic and adjust strategies using AI-suggested, human-readable rules, keeping you one step ahead.
  • Adaptable and customizable risk rules: SEON offers customizable risk rules to match your specific regulatory requirements, allowing you to create as many rules as needed. This flexibility ensures your fraud and money laundering prevention strategies can evolve with your business, maintaining robust protection at all times.
  • Speedy integration: SEON simplifies integration with a single API connection. Our dedicated customer support ensures a quick, smooth setup and provides tailored assistance to help you fully utilize the platform and address any concerns.

SEON’s fraud detection platform not only meets the diverse needs of fraud and compliance teams but also turns fraud detection into a strategic advantage, enhancing competitiveness in the market.

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After acquiring Iovation in 2018, TransUnion rebranded it as TruValidate. While Iovation excelled in device recognition for authentication and fraud prevention, TruValidate lacks machine learning and AML solutions needed for comprehensive fraud and compliance. Additionally, its US-centric focus limits its effectiveness in emerging markets.

Here’s a summary of what TruValidate offers:

  • Identity and transaction analysis: Providing fraud prevention capabilities that touch specific parts but not the entire customer journey as it lacks an integrated AML solution, a critical component for comprehensive fraud and compliance programs.
  • Real-time monitoring: Real-time monitoring capabilities are available, but they have slow data request response times and inconsistent data quality, which affects timely fraud detection and prevention.
  • Traditional data analysis: No machine learning, limiting its ability to provide deep, predictive insights and adapt to new fraud patterns.
  • Customization options: Limited by its underlying technology, impacting the flexibility of fraud management.
  • Additional costs and complexity during integration: Potential delays in deploying fraud prevention measures.


Acquired by LexisNexis in 2020, Emailage enhances user intelligence through email analysis and predictive risk scoring. It uses a blackbox machine learning approach, combining LexisNexis’ Digital Identity Network data with Emailage’s proprietary database and basic social media checks.

Emailage addresses specific fraud scenarios but lacks device intelligence, transparent machine learning, and compliance tools.

Here’s a summary of what Emailage offers:

  • Historical and consortium data: No real-time intelligence. The narrow scope of social and digital checks may leave significant blind spots in customer profiling.
  • Opaque blackbox machine learning models: Businesses might have trouble understanding and adjusting risk scores and decision-making processes.
  • Limited customization: Hinders businesses from tailoring fraud detection strategies to their specific needs and adapting to new fraud tactics.
  • Straightforward integration: Impactins only a small aspect of the customer journey, as it is a lightweight point solution


ThreatMetrix, founded in 2005 and now part of LexisNexis Risk Solutions, focuses on user identity verification and authentication using over 78 billion data instances. Despite its data capabilities and integration potential, it has limitations that may hinder its effectiveness as a comprehensive fraud prevention solution.

Here’s a summary of what ThreatMetrix offers:

  • Near real-time data: Relies on consortium data which can be less accurate and comes with higher costs. It lacks unique digital and social checks for precise real-time intelligence.
  • Blackbox machine learning models: With no transparency, businesses may struggle to understand and adjust decision-making processes behind fraud detection.
  • Limited customization options: Restricts businesses from tailoring fraud prevention tools to specific needs and adapting to new fraud trends.
  • Slow integration: Delays the deployment of fraud prevention measures and affects the time to value.


Sift, a fintech leader, offers tailored solutions for fraud-affected sectors like retail, food and beverage, travel, and ticketing. Its flagship product, the Digital Trust & Safety Suite, aims to reduce losses and enhance efficiency. However, it has significant gaps compared to a modern fraud prevention system, potentially hindering end-to-end protection.

Here’s a summary of what Sift offers:

  • Transaction monitoring, chargebacks, content moderation, and two-factor authentication: While it covers multiple use cases, it lacks comprehensive coverage and AML tools, requiring additional solutions and increasing costs.
  • Ability to analyze real-time data for fraud identification is unclear: This raises concerns about its effectiveness in responding to emerging threats.
  • Opaque machine learning models:  It lacks transparency in decision-making processes, complicating understanding fraud patterns and adapting strategies.
  • Customization available: The system is reported to be limited in adaptability, making it challenging to tailor it to specific needs.
  • Straightforward to implement: Ease of integration does not compensate for its limited fraud protection capabilities.


Feedzai is a comprehensive risk management and AML platform for retail banks, corporate banks, and PSPs, offering AI-powered AML screening, visual link analysis, and whitebox explanations. However, it may not fully meet the needs of today’s rapidly evolving fraud prevention landscape.

Here’s a summary of what Feedzai offers:

  • Tool suite expanded through acquisitions: This may result in a fragmented interface and inconsistent user experience, complicating fraud prevention management.
  • Historical and purchased data for fraud detection: This may not effectively capture current trends. Limited digital and social profiling capabilities can leave gaps in fraud detection.
  • Whitebox AI models: Offers transparent decision-making processes to build user trust.
  • Limited customization options: Difficult to tailor the platform to specific needs or adapt quickly to regulatory changes.
  • Complex and resource-intensive integration: Can lead to exceeding budget and schedule and delaying fraud prevention measures deployment.


ArkOwl enhances customer verification during registration and onboarding by aggregating live data points, focusing on email and phone verification. This helps companies understand customer identities in manual reviews. However, its limitations may affect its effectiveness as a standalone solution for broader fraud prevention strategies.

Here’s a summary of what ArkOwl offers:

  • Registration and onboarding monitoring: It lacks post-onboarding fraud monitoring and AML capabilities.
  • 81 real-time data points for email and phone verification: Its scope is limited and may not cover broader fraud detection needs.
  • No AI or machine learning: No deeper insights or predictive modeling for fraud detection.
  • No built-in data analysis or adaptation: Requires clients to integrate and interpret data themselves.
  • Potentially quick integration: However, fine-tuning models with new data may take time.


Trustfull specializes in customer onboarding solutions using advanced digital footprinting and device intelligence analysis, enhanced by real-time data and IP-based geolocation. However, it lacks a comprehensive solution for the entire customer journey, including money laundering prevention, limiting its use for organizations seeking a complete fraud and compliance platform.

Here’s a summary of what Trustfull offers:

  • Onboarding monitoring includes 37 social and digital checks: It lacks comprehensive fraud prevention and AML tools for the entire customer journey.
  • A mix of real-time and daily updates: Does not provide fully real-time insights, potentially delaying fraud detection and response.
  • Blackbox AI model: Lacks transparency in decision-making processes which can be problematic for understanding and improving fraud strategies.
  • Templated rule creation: Limits deeper customization and decision-making analysis, hindering adaptation to specific business needs and evolving fraud tactics.
  • Easy to set up: Integration support may be slow due to its small team.

Choosing the Right Fraud Detection Solution

Selecting the right software is a strategic decision that aligns with your business goals. It should fit your current needs and scale with your growth. Consider how each tool integrates with your operations and what adjustments might be necessary to maintain efficiency and compliance.

Here are essential factors to consider when selecting a solution that meets your risk management needs:

  • Detection features: It’s crucial to ensure the software provides the necessary features to combat specific types of fraud, such as identity theft, payment fraud, or unauthorized account access. Tailor your choice to address your most pressing fraud concerns.
  • Integration flexibility: Although many fraud detection systems are offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), depending on your company’s infrastructure and security requirements, on-premise integration might be necessary.
  • Payment model: Avoid lengthy contracts that may not be cost-effective in the long run. Opt for a solution that offers a trial period or a short-term payment option to evaluate the software’s effectiveness before making a long-term commitment.
  • Support and documentation: Confirm that the vendor provides comprehensive customer support and free assistance, particularly during the software integration phase. The availability of clear, detailed documentation is essential, allowing you to resolve issues independently without constant reliance on customer support.

We hope this guide helps you navigate the complexities of choosing a fraud detection platform, setting you on the path to effectively securing your online business operations.

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Navigating the Buy vs. Build Decision for Fraud Detection Software

Building an in-house solution or buying from a third-party provider has its own set of pros and cons. Making an informed decision can significantly enhance your security and operational efficiency.

Here are key considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  • In-house vs. outsourced solutions: Weighing the options between managing fraud detection software in-house versus outsourcing to a cloud-based provider is crucial. Factors such as control, data security, and operational overhead play a significant role in this decision.
  • Mature Providers vs. Startups: Experience impacts integration and effectiveness. Mature providers offer proven reliability and ROI with historical data, while startups provide innovative, cost-effective solutions with flexible contracts.
  • Static vs. Customizable Transaction Monitoring: Adaptable monitoring tools enhance security by tailoring measures to your institution’s specific risk profile.
  • Whitebox vs. Blackbox Machine Learning: Whitebox models offer transparency for understanding and tweaking decision logic, while blackbox models provide effective, hands-off simplicity.
  • Heavy Friction vs. Lightweight User Experience: Balancing security and user experience is crucial, especially for neobanks. The goal is robust fraud prevention without complicating the user interface.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I consider when purchasing fraud detection software?

The more you know about your organization’s fraud issues, infrastructure, and risk appetites, the easier it will be to choose the best software solution. After ascertaining these points, consider features like customizable risk rules, device fingerprinting, alternative data scoring, real-time data assessment, and convenient machine learning systems.

Who needs fraud detection tools?

Today, all businesses are at risk from fraud, no matter their sector. In fact, the current fraud landscape demonstrates that those companies and decision-makers who think they couldn’t be affected are more likely to be targeted – exactly because they are less likely to invest in their defenses.

How to make the case to invest in banking fraud detection software

Investing in banking fraud detection software isn’t just a competitive advantage for financial institutions, neobanks, and challenger banks; it’s a legal requirement with regard to KYC, AML, and PSD2, among others. However, deploying the right tool can also help onboard more users with peace of mind, which can have a direct impact on growth and profitability.

What is fraud detection software?

Fraud detection software is designed to automatically stop online fraud. The software analyses online user actions and, based on your risk rules, blocks those that are deemed high risk.
A high-risk user action can be a payment, signup, or login, among others. The fraud detection software must be setup to analyse user or payment data, analyse that data via risk rules, and decide if it is risky or not.

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