Top 10 Data Enrichment Tools

Data enrichment is a process that takes a single data point and connects it to external data sources, and it is becoming an increasingly popular way to verify user identities, authenticate them, and reduce online fraud. Your data enrichment software should return results from open-source databases to meet data protection regulations.

List of the Best Data Enrichment Tools

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What Is a Data Enrichment Tool?

A data enrichment tool allows you to take single data points and connect them to external data sources. The key objective is to get more information.

Data enrichment tools are useful for learning more about a website user, a business, or a potential customer. 

Try our free tool below and see what data is fed back based on your email address, phone number, or IP address:


One of the major benefits of data enrichment tools is that you don’t need to ask for more information. They provide frictionless extra info – which is why they are so popular for verifying IDs during onboarding and at the transaction stage.

Top Features of Data Enrichment Tools

Data enrichment tools can look at a variety of data points, such as IP addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers. Here are key features to keep in mind when choosing yours:

  • Response time: For manual reviews, you may be happy to wait for the results of your search. But if you automate your queries, you will need a fast response time.
  • Integration time: Here again, you may find data enrichment tools that support manual queries. For APIs, consider how long the integration may interrupt your business.
  • Pricing: Many data enrichment tools offer a free search but hide results behind a paywall. Make sure you check out the fine print before your first search.
  • Databases: Some data enrichment tools rely on stale databases. You need to ensure that yours regularly updates its databases to provide the freshest information.

The Top 10 Data Enrichment Tools of 2023

Disclaimer: Everything you’ll read in this article was gleaned from online research, including user reviews. We did not have time to manually test every tool. This article was last updated in Q3 2023. Please feel free to contact us to request an update/correction.



Best for Fraud Prevention


SEON offers solid fraud prevention based on four data enrichment modules, which you can enable to suit your needs. There is an IP address data enrichment tool, a reverse phone lookup tool, and a reverse email lookup tool, plus a way to learn more about credit cards based on a Bank Identification Number (BIN). 

Here are some of the questions you will be able to answer using these data enrichment tools:

  • IP analysis: Is the user connecting using a VPN, Tor, or a suspicious proxy? Is their IP geolocation near their shipping or residential address?
  • Email analysis: Does the email address exist? Is it linked to any social media profiles? How easy was it to create it?
  • Phone analysis: Is the phone number real? Does it point to suspicious geolocation? Is it from an eSIM or virtual SIM card?
  • BIN lookup: Does the issuing bank match the customer’s address? Is the type of card suspicious?

All the results come in clear, human-readable terms and are considered when calculating a risk score. The scoring engine itself gives you complete control over your decision to allow or block a certain user action, with both factors and results fully customizable. 

Best of all, SEON is one of the few fraud prevention solutions that come with a free 14-day trial (extendable to 30 days) and transparent pricing, so you can get a clear idea of your return on investment (ROI) before you deploy it.


  • Reverse social media lookup
  • Transparent pricing
  • Modular and flexible


  • Fraud prevention specific

SEON Pricing

  • Starts at $599. Free version available with limited API calls.

Choose SEON If

  • You want to harness the power of data enrichment for fraud prevention and customer segmentation.


  • Reverse social media lookup: SEON can check more than 90 social networks to let you create a complete user profile, including an avatar, bio, and post history.
  • Transparent pricing: Few data enrichment and fraud prevention tools tell you exactly how much it will cost to get results.
  • Modular and flexible: Enrich the data you need and integrate via APIs, manual query, or even Google Chrome extension.

SEON Cons 

  • Fraud prevention specific: While you could use SEON to filter out junk marketing leads, it’s first and foremost designed to reduce fraud rates. 

Read SEON. Fraud Fighters reviews on G2



Best to Complete Customer Records

Experian is one of the most renowned credit scoring companies in the UK, but it also offers worldwide data enrichment services focusing on completing customer records. This can be useful if you need to meet Know Your Customer (KYC) verification and anti-money laundering (AML) requirements. 

The data enrichment services start by validating contact data from names, email addresses, residential addresses, or phone numbers. The data is then cleaned and enriched to gain a deeper understanding of the customer with up to 900 additional data elements.

Experian’s data enrichment is available as a free trial, but it can be confusing to know exactly which product to choose. There is a data quality platform and integration with Salesforce, Magento, Microsoft, and Oracle, among others, but there is no clear answer as to how it fits into other products such as business credit reports, targeted marketing, or debt collection – all other services that Experian offers. 


  • Trusted brand
  • Suitable for KYC and AML


  • Confusing products
  • Opaque pricing

Experian Pricing

  • Unavailable online.

Choose Experian If

  • You are interested in enriching your customer records. Alternatively, consider Pipl or Spokeo.

Experian Pros

  • Trusted brand: Experian is a household name in the credit-scoring world, so you can trust its data intelligence.
  • Suitable for KYC and AML: You can meet legal requirements by running your customer data through Experian’s tools.

Experian Cons 

  • Confusing products: Experian offers numerous services and tools, and it’s tricky to understand exactly which one you need for your data enrichment requirements.
  • Opaque pricing: Experian is notoriously pricey for KYC checks, but you won’t know how much its data enrichment costs until you contact the sales team.


Best for Targeted Marketing

Clearbit is the marketing data platform used by Intercom, Asana, and Hubspot, among others. Its use case runs the gamut from targeting B2B audiences to streamlining operations and personalizing customer journeys.

Clearbit’s unique take? All the data enrichment is performed in-house and not outsourced to other data providers. Clearbit scans over 250 sources, including websites, public records, legal filings, and social media networks. Each data source is scored, and the ones with the higher trust level are given more weight. 

Last but not least, the data is updated in real-time, so you can be certain that stale databases don’t skew your results. 


  • Numerous marketing uses
  • Live data
  • No data enrichment outsourcing


  • Pricey

Clearbit Pricing 

  • The pricing is unavailable online, but Clearbit explains there are tailor-made plans based on volume and add-ons.

Choose Clearbit If

  • You are looking to supercharge your marketing efforts and sales leads.

Clearbit Pros

  • Numerous marketing uses: Use Clearbit for prospecting, targeted marketing, or personalized buyer journeys.
  • Live data: Live data is always preferable to potentially stale information.
  • No data enrichment outsourcing: Clearbit manages all the enrichment in-house.

Clearbit Cons

  • Pricey: Though the pricing is not available without speaking to the sales team, the vendor is said to be rather expensive, according to reviews.

Crunchbase Enterprise

Best for Prospecting

Another familiar name that offers data enrichment is Crunchbase. The world’s most popular database for startups, funding rounds, and investors doubles as prospecting software to help you find and close the right deals. 

Crunchbase Enterprise lets you access all the business data of a company right in your CRM via a simple API connection or bulk CSV export. 

You can then use it to your advantage, whether it’s to personalize communications, discover recommended prospects based on your needs, or perform market research.


  • Trustworthy brand
  • Affordable


  • No real technology lookup
  • Occasionally outdated information

Crunchbase Enterprise Pricing 

  • There is a free plan with limited access to companies’ information; a Starter plan ($29 per month per user), which allows tracking and monitoring; a Pro plan ($49 per user per month), which unlocks all the prospecting and sales intelligence tools; and a custom Enterprise plan that you have to speak to the team about.

Choose Crunchbase If

  • You need detailed information on startups and scaleups – be it as a B2B service provider or as a competitor.

Crunchbase Enterprise Pros

  • Trustworthy brand: Crunchbase has made a name for itself as the number one source for startup and VC lists. 
  • Affordable: The tiered subscriptions appear reasonably priced, and you can even try Crunchbase Enterprise for free.

Crunchbase Enterprise Cons 

  • No real technology lookup: You can see which platform the companies used to build their websites, but it’s not an insight into their tech stack. 
  • Occasionally outdated information: Startup profiles are crowdsourced, so mistakes will occur.


Best for IP Data Enrichment

Over 5,000 companies rely on MaxMind’s GeoIP data to enrich data about their website visitors. It can be useful for fraud prevention but also to show relevant content and ads, to get more precise analytics, and to enforce digital rights (copyright and similar issues). 

Businesses can learn about their users’ connection speeds and ISPs, and there is also a dedicated fraud prevention solution for ecommerce, called minFraud. 

This is in addition to the other six services MaxMind offers, which include commercial licensing, precision web services, and anonymous IP databases. 


  • Free option
  • Affordable
  • Granular information


  • No dashboard
  • Need to review manually

MaxMind Pricing 

  • Aside from the free GeoLite2 service, you can buy MaxMind services via pay-per-query pricing. minFraud Score costs $0.005 per query. minFraud Insights costs $0.015 per query. minFraud Factors costs $0.02 per query.

Choose MaxMind If

  • You want to find out as much as possible about your website’s visitors without asking them.

MaxMind Pros 

  • Free option: You can use the GeoLite2 Free Geolocation service at no cost.
  • Affordable: Other licenses are decently priced if all you need is manual IP data enrichment.
  • Granular information: You can purchase a license to track IPs at the country or city level.

MaxMind Cons 

  • No dashboard: All the information you get is raw data via API or spreadsheets.
  • Need to review manually: It’s useful for additional IP information, but you’ll have to know what to do with it.


Best for Human-Checked B2B Databases

Similar to Crunchbase, ZoomInfo is a B2B intelligence and contact data enrichment tool spawned from a directory. The unique selling point is that ZoomInfo (formerly DiscoveryOrg, which it acquired in 2019) works for sales, marketing, and even recruiting. 

The company is currently used by some of the biggest corporate names such as Google, Amazon, and Zoom Video (which has nothing to do with ZoomInfo otherwise). 

How it fares for smaller businesses is less clear, but you can use ZoomInfo to verify company and profile data, all accessible in a few clicks or via Salesforce integration.

If you want to see if ZoomInfo makes sense for you, there is a trial to get you started.


  • Trusted database
  • Free trial


  • Overwhelming segmentation
  • Delayed updates

ZoomInfo Pricing 

  • Available upon request. However, there is a free trial, which you need to contact ZoomInfo to start.

Choose ZoomInfo If

  • You’re an enterprise looking to grow with human-verified prospecting of B2B databases.

ZoomInfo Pros 

  • Trusted database: ZoomInfo has access to some of the largest B2B databases worldwide, and its agents undertake manual checks.
  • Free trial: You can give it a try to see if Zoominfo can help your sales, marketing, or HR teams.

ZoomInfo Cons 

  • Overwhelming segmentation: ZoomInfo offers a lot, so choosing between the different tools and packages can be daunting.
  • Delayed updates: Because the databases are so massive and sometimes checked manually, some online users report a delay in how often they are updated. 


Best for Market Share and Technology Lookup

Sometimes you want to learn about people and businesses. With BuiltWith, it’s all about discovering technology. As the name suggests, this database and online service allow you to see what more than 673 million websites were built with. 

That includes CMS, CDN, software, and competitor comparison. You also get contact names, emails, and titles (within General Data Protection Regulation restrictions), usage alerts, and predictive leads. 

BuiltWith is also a go-to solution for market research and technology statistics. All the data is available via a plug-in extension, API calls, and a whole host of third-party integrations. It’s not cheap, though, starting at $295 monthly for the Basic plan.


  • The go-to technology lookup tool
  • Multiple integrations


  • User experience (UX)
  • Pricey

BuiltWith Pricing 

  • There is a free version for individual manual searches. The Basic plan, which includes two technologies, two keywords, and two retail reports, starts at $295 per month. It’s $495 per month for the Pro plan, with unlimited features for one seat. The Team plan offers unlimited seats for $995 per month.

Choose BuiltWith If

  • You are looking for inspiration or to identify the tech powering a website.

BuiltWith Pros 

  • The go-to technology lookup tool: When it comes to technologies data enrichment, few companies can match BuiltWith’s databases.
  • Multiple integrations: You can link BuiltWith to Zoho CRM, Pardot, HubSpot, Salesforce, and Dynamics 365, among others. 

BuiltWith Cons 

  • UX: There is a lot of good data available with BuiltWith. But how it’s presented seems to raise eyebrows, whether it’s via API or the Chrome extension. 
  • Pricey: There is a free version for individual lookups with limited functionality, but for anything more advanced you’ll need to allocate a serious budget.
Reduce Fraud Rates Fast

Partner with SEON to reduce fraud rates in your business with real-time data enrichment, whitebox machine learning, and advanced APIs.

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Best for Email Marketing

What do you do if you have an email address but aren’t sure if it’s valid or not? Well, you could try sending a message and waiting for an answer, or you could use a service like to enrich the data and validate the address for you. 

This is exactly why the service is so popular with marketers who need to check hundreds – if not thousands – of email addresses in one go. supports CSV, XLX, and Google Sheets for bulk upload, and there is an API version to integrate the tool directly with your own business tech stack.


  • Free version available
  • Bulk upload and download


  • Very limited enrichment features Pricing

  • Pricing: You pay in credits, with 150 automatically added to your balance monthly for free. Paid plans include Starter ($30 for 1,000 credits), Pro ($75-$554 per month), which adds email A/B testing and team permissions control, and a managed outreach service that costs $2,999 monthly.

Choose if

  • All you need to enrich is email address data to check if addresses are valid or not. Pros

  • Free version available: You get 150 free credits a month. One credit is worth two email checks.
  • Bulk upload and download: Check masses of emails in one fell swoop. Cons

  • Very limited enrichment features: You can know if the address is valid or not, but that’s about it.


Best for Ad Hoc Lookups

We’ve had mixed results when testing Spytox, but you can’t really complain when this online tool is both fast and free. Simply enter a name, email address, or phone number, and Spytox will let you perform a quick open-source search for relevant information.

The company claims to be able to check the records of 275 million people nationwide and to answer three million daily searches. How often these searches return relevant results remains to be seen, but it’s worth adding Spytox to your data enrichment arsenal – especially for the odd ad hoc search.


  • Free to use
  • Lightweight and fast


  • Doesn’t always work
  • No batch searches

Spytox Pricing:

  • It’s completely free to use.

Choose Spytox If

  • You need to enrich data based on a single phone number, name, or email address.

Spytox Pros

  • Free to use: Just go to the website and type the info you have to begin your search.
  • Lightweight and fast: The results are gathered fairly fast, which is ideal for ad hoc searches. 

Spytox Cons

  • Doesn’t always work: The tool sometimes seems to break or doesn’t bring any results at all.
  • No batch searches: With Spytox, you need to enter each name, phone number, or email address manually.

Have I Been Pwnd

Best for Data Breach Lookups

One of the biggest challenges of profiling users based on their email addresses is learning how old those addresses are. There are a number of ways to do it, but a tried-and-tested method relies on data breaches, where you check if the email address has been leaked as part of a previous breach. If it has, it’s actually a good sign, as it means the address wasn’t just created for the purpose of defrauding you.

This is what makes Have I Been Pwned such a neat data enrichment tool for guessing how old email addresses or phone numbers are. It’s free to use manually on the website, but you can also connect to its API for $3.5 per month. 


  • Free version for manual lookups
  • Bulk search entire domains


  • Limited use cases

Have I Been Pwnd Pricing

  • It’s free to use manually on the website. You can purchase access to its API for $3.5 per month. There is a rate limit that you can lift by paying more.

Choose Have I Been Pwnd If

  • You want to enrich email or phone data to get an idea of how trustworthy a user is. 

Have I Been Pwnd Pros

  • Free version for manual lookups: It’s completely free to check if an email address has previously been breached. 
  • Bulk search entire domains: A great way to enrich data based on a website domain name. 

Have I Been Pwnd Cons:

• Limited use cases: You can get an idea of how old an email address or phone number is, but that’s about it.


How Do Data Enrichment Tools Work?

These tools work by automatically merging data from multiple sources, using a first-party database as a starting point. 

The tool gathers raw data and connects it to external databases before relaying the findings to the original database owner.

A good example is a reverse email lookup tool. A data enrichment tool will search for other online places where that email address appears. That could include social media platforms or other websites. 

Type an email address into the search bar below to see SEON’s data enrichment in action!


The goal is to make the initial raw data more useful. With an email address, for instance, you can get more information about the owner, to help you make better business decisions.

According to Experian, 26% of organizations plan to invest in data enrichment projects to target customers, prioritize leads, and improve their marketing efficiency and return on investment (ROI). 

Data enrichment pros:

  • Complete a picture: Data enrichment allows you to learn as much information as possible starting with very few data points. 
  • Make better decisions: The goal is to take action based on better intelligence, whether it’s about knowing which leads to contact or which users to block from your website.
  • Real-time: Most data enrichment tools work via API calls, which can be performed in real-time for near-instant results. 

Data enrichment cons:

  • Must use high-quality databases: The quality of the enrichment is heavily dependent on the quality of the database. If the information you enrich is incorrect, it can flaw your results.
  • Adds an expense: Whether you use external data enrichment tools or build your own in-house, it’s an extra resource to spend on.
  • Must integrate into your system: Data enrichment tends to be lightweight, but you still need to work out how to integrate it seamlessly into your business processes.

How Data Enrichment Prevents Fraud

When it comes to fraud prevention, data enrichment is very important since it helps complete the picture you glean of your online users. More to the point, it lets you spot red flags that could point to criminal activities, such as:

  • Chargeback and transaction fraud: By learning more about a user, you can make an educated guess about whether their payment method is theirs or if it has been stolen.
  • User verification: Data enrichment lets you confirm someone’s identity based on alternative data, such as social media presence. Thus, you can spot ID theft and flag fraudsters as soon as possible.
  • Credit scoring: The same tools that let you know how risky a user is can also help when calculating confidence that someone will repay a loan, for instance.

The goal is to allow you to learn as much as possible about who is on your site, without slowing down their experience. Because data enrichment happens behind the scenes, you can use the information to calculate how risky a user’s actions are in real-time. You can then use that risk score to accept or block a user action such as a login, signup, or payment.

How to Choose the Right Data Enrichment Tool

Data enrichment is a powerful tool with dozens of use cases – which is to say, the right solution depends largely on what you want to do with it. 

Hopefully, this guide offers a good primer on the topic, whether you need to learn more about your marketing leads, hire better candidates, or ensure you only allow the right users on your website to reduce fraud rates today


Does data enrichment violate the law?

In theory, no. A good data enrichment solution should only aggregate information from public databases or have the rights to the data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for instance, is very clear about allowing data enrichment, especially in the context of fraud prevention.

How do I make the case to invest in data enrichment?

Data enrichment is an added expense for companies, but it is a solution with a proven track record of delivering results. This is true in the context of accelerating marketing prospecting and speeding up manual reviews for improved security.

What are data enrichment tools?

Data enrichment tools are applications designed to merge data from an existing database with third-party data. This allows companies to gain deeper insights into their records, for a variety of use cases, such as targeted marketing, lead scoring, data compliance, and fraud prevention. 


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