How Consumer Risk has Changed During the Pandemic in Emerging Markets

Learn from a seasoned professional about how COVID-19 forced changes in the digital lending industry in emerging markets.

How consumer risk changed, and how alternative data sources can help when traditional methods are insufficient.

Digital lending and especially online loans have become a booming fintech success story in the last few years – however, COVID-19, the lockdowns and the changing economic landscape are forcing tectonic changes. In times of high uncertainty, risk increases globally, especially in fields that are already on the frontier, such as microlending.

To understand what’s happening, we had a chat with Kaspars Magaznieks, Fraud Prevention Manager of Sun Finance, the fastest growing online lender in Europe who operate in unbanked and underbanked markets.


Online lending market size: Industry origins, where is it headed, challenges ahead

  • General introduction of this specific financial instrument,
  • Loan sizes,
  • Targets.

COVID shifts

  • How did it change the industry (offline lenders moving online, closing of big players),
  • Covid related consumer risk measures (changes in risk assessment, and risk profiling of consumers due to changing consumer behaviour),
  • Adapting to the new situation.

Importance of alternative data

  • Specifically in emerging markets when you need ID-s, but there are no social security codes,
  • Or when users try to cheat the facial recognition system.

Future of digital lending

  • Will this scale up to larger credit lines?
  • How will it develop in the next tumultuous year?


The aim of the webinar is to learn about how the industry was forced to change and how key players have adapted to the new situation, and how changing consumer behaviour during a crisis affects the risk assessment procedures of the leanest fintech players, and how alternative data sources can help with that.

Watch our webinar to learn about how consumer risk has changed during the pandemic in emerging markets.

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Data Enrichment | Browser Fingerprinting | Device Fingerprinting | Fraud Detection API

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