SEON Wins an Unprecedented 23 Categories in G2’s Fall Report

SEON Wins an Unprecedented 23 Categories in G2’s Fall Report

We were incredibly grateful to learn that SEON has ranked  #1 in an unprecedented 23 categories in G2’s quarterly reports for Fall 2023. In our relentless mission to beat fraudsters, the greatest accomplishment is positive feedback from our customers and the results they’re achieving with us.

Following the similarly prestigious ratings and stellar reviews in the G2 Summer 2023 reports, it makes us immensely proud to be recognized for high performance and considered leaders in a growing number of categories, outperforming our competitors.

With the new regional categories introduced this quarter, SEON has come out as a leader across the Americas, Europe and EMEA, dominating in categories such as Americas Regional Grid® Report for Fraud Detection and Europe Regional Grid® Report for Web Security.

In addition to being ranked as the top performing leader by market presence, SEON is also #1 in popularity, making us the top choice among all our competitors. Our rating remains high at 4.6, and we have now received 278 G2 reviews, showcasing the real value of SEON to our customers.

Reading through our customer reviews, we’re humbled by the enthusiasm. Hearing comments like “SEON is the future!” and “I couldn’t picture a day’s work without it” really fuel our efforts.  

We all share the sentiment of CEO Tamas Kadar, and remain grateful for every single vote and review: “It is our customers’ valuable feedback and appreciation that keep us moving forward and maintaining our role as a leader in the anti-fraud sphere.”

Here’s another customer review, a badge of honor we proudly wear today, to close things off:

“Excellent support and communication. Unlike other competitors, it is very easy to set up rules and alerts. Also the interface is very intuitive for our analysts. The device Fingerprint works great, and it’s easily customizable with API and custom fields. I highly recommend it.”

Once again, we thank everyone for the votes of confidence. Here’s to another season of fighting fraud together!

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