CNBC – World’s Top Fintech Companies 2023

CNBC – World’s Top Fintech Companies 2023

Firstly, a huge thank you from SEON.

You may have seen that lately our news and announcements have been full of award wins, from Sifted Rising 100 to FS Tech Awards. Today, SEON has been named as one of the world’s top fintech companies for 2023 by CNBC. We’d like to say thank you to CNBC and Statista. We’d also like to extend a sincere sorry* to all of the fraudsters and fincriminals out there, because these wins are not just about shiny trophies, but about victories for our customers in the joint fight against online fincrime.

*not really fraudsters!

Today marks a major milestone for SEON with one of the most prestigious awards we’ve won to date and a huge landmark in the mission to prevent fincrime.

CNBC and independent research firm Statista worked together to identify the world’s top fintech companies, with SEON being named among them. The report highlights fintechs disrupting the giants of finance with services that are faster, cheaper and more accessible in payments and digital banking, to rising stars in emerging fields 

Thank you CNBC and Statista for featuring SEON – it means a lot to everyone in our teams.

We couldn’t be prouder to have been included and this only acts as fuel and inspiration that will push forwards our work and achievements as we become an all-encompassing end-to-end fincrime platform. We’ve always focused on customer-led innovation and this drives our move from being known for real-time data collection to pre-fraud digital footprint analysis to transaction monitoring to now having an AML screening and cutting-edge AI at the heart of our product.

Being well established in the payments and digital banking anti-fincrime sphere has certainly helped us with our recognition and the value that customers have recognised from SEON really tells the story better than we ever could:

As our latest customer release with Mexico’s largest neobank Klar says:

Effective fraud protection is crucial in fintech and alternative credit lending. As a result of our collaboration with SEON, we are better equipped to create solid strategies that reduce risks and protect the interests of users.

Rafael Sainz from the Credit Strategy Team at Klar

We’re committed to continue innovating and being even more customer-obsessed to enable organizations to leverage digital signals across the whole customer journey to stop fraud while letting valuable customers do business. 

As always – thank you for reading


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