
Compare SEON vs GIACT

Disclaimer: Everything written about the companies mentioned in this article was gleaned from online research including user reviews. We did not have time to manually test all the tools. However, we ensured the information was correct as of Q1 2023. Feel free to contact us to request an update/correction.

GIACT Key Features

  • EPIC Platform: Fully integrated product to manage the entire customer lifecycle, from digital enrolment and onboarding to payments.
  • gAUTHENTICATE: Authenticate customers’ identity and ownership of bank accounts.
  • gVERIFY: Consumer and business bank account status verification for safer transactions – in real-time or batch mode.
  • gIDENTITY: a multi-tiered suite of services that combines traditional and non-traditional data sources for KYC.
  • Beneficial ID: an automated data collection solution for ultimate beneficial ownership information (UBO) 
  • gOFAC Monitoring: a compliance solution that combines 57 regulatory screening lists. 
  • Open banking account verification: a feature of the aforementioned Mastercard partnership, which helps secure the direction connection between businesses and customers’ financial institutions. 
Pros of GIACT
  • A wide range of solutions enabling financial organizations to verify and authenticate customers at different points of their transactions.
  • Each of GIACT’s products can be used as standalone, combined or as part of an end-to-end platform.
  • PEP lists for real-time OFAC screening.
Cons of GIACT
  • A more legacy-based system with no option to implement custom rules.
  • Limited integration options with other products & vendors; only focused on combining other Refinitiv acquisitions.
  • Opaque pricing and no free trial option.
Compare SEON with GIACT for Yourself

SEON’s advanced APIs and device fingerprinting provide fast, scalable fraud prevention solutions, no matter the size or ambition of your organization.

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SEON vs GIACT Features Comparison Table 

Data aggregation
IP analysisYesNo
Email data enrichment YesYes
Phone data enrichmentYesNo
Find user social mediaYes, checks 90+ platformsYes
Device fingerprintingYesYes
Transaction BINYesNo
Behavior trackingYesYes
User authenticationYesYes
Risk analysis
Custom rulesYesNo
Machine learning suggestionsYesYes
Industry preset rulesYesYes
Risk scoreYesYes
ID verificationNoYes
API callsYesYes
Modular APIsYesNo
Custom API fieldsYesNo
Chrome extensionYes No
Manual queryYesYes
Graph visualizationNoNo
Team managementYesYes
Integration with other toolsYesYes
Chargeback guaranteeNoNo
Free integrationYesN/A
Free supportYesN/A
Free trialYesNo
Cost per monthFlexible tiered pricing based on API requests starting from $299. There is also a completely free version available.N/A. Contact their sales team

Where SEON Wins Over GIACT

  • A focus on flexibility and agility that lets risk managers take control of their own custom rules.
  • Intuitive interface and ease of integration.
  • Can be trialed for free, and the available demo is conducted with customer batch data.
Choose SEON if
You want to make quicker decisions and avoid friction, minimizing the need for manual reviews while also preventing fraud.
Choose GIACT if
You are a financial organization in search of a holistic approval, user and compliance management platform and a means to digitize the collection of KYC and similar data while protecting yourself.
See How SEON Helps You Grow

See our real-time fraud prevention solution in action, boasting unique digital footprinting, granular reporting, custom risk rules and machine learning.

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Further Reading

Learn more about:

Browser Fingerprinting | Digital FootprintingDevice Fingerprinting | Fraud Detection API | Fraud Detection & Prevention

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BIN Lookup | IP Lookup | Reverse Email Lookup | Reverse Phone Lookup | Social Media Lookup