Case study

Noteable Reduces Fraudulent Sign-ups by 96% and Monitors Transactions with 89% More Confidence


Software Development

Use Cases

Customer Friction

Automation and efficiency


Noteable was founded in San Francisco by a team of industry experts who’ve built some of the most successful enterprise-grade and open-source notebook platforms. Noteable’s Python notebook foundation with built-in SQL, no-code visualizations, and plug-and-play workflows empowers everyone – from the data curious to data experts – to work together in the same interface.

  • Significant manual review times
  • Fraudulet sign-ups exploiting their system
  • New customer friction
  • Automation and efficiency improvements
  • Frcitionless user onboarding for genuine users
  • Automatic blocking of fraudulent users


As the company has grown, they noticed an increase in fraudulent users, which is common for many cloud-based services. They needed to stop these users as quickly as possible to maintain their platform security. 

Ana Rodriguez, Senior DevOps Engineer at Noteable recalled:

Due to the nature of the product and the kernels allowing arbitary code execution, Noteable quickly became a target for cryptojacking attacks. Users were signing up to execute malicious crypto mining scripts and abuse compute resources.

Performing manual fraud reviews meant the platform was safe, but this was a time-consuming, unscalable procedure, they needed to stop users at sign-up with no friction for the user.

In order to battle this we started verifying users’ email after signing up. We thought this validation would stop a considerable amount of crypto miners from exploiting the platform, but we noticed email verification was not enough.

While email look-up was a great start, Noteable needed a more comprehensive solution that looked at numerous different data points with accuracy and speed, without impacting user experience.


Once they tried SEON, Ana stated:

SEON was easy to integrate with our platform. It allowed us to customize risk thresholds and rules over time to ensure a seamless product experience while reducing false positives for non-fraudulent users. The pay-for-what-you-use pricing was also an important factor in choosing it.




Noteable has seen a 96% drop in fraudulent sign-ups. In addition, their manual review process has become 93% quicker, giving Noteable the ability to identify and reject fraudulent sign-ups immediately. This has also increased the company’s confidence level in accepting or rejecting transactions by 89%. Noteable has achieved a substantial reduction in the number of crypto miner sign-ups and reduced cloud compute costs, without any impact on its customer experience.

Ana concluded:

The best SEON feature is the scoring engine. We have created new custom rules and fine-tuned scores based on our crypto mining patterns. In particular, rule parameters and data fields which are easily customizable. We are excited to see what more SEON can do in the future to continue to combat fraud effectively.