Here’s how data analytics uses historic data to prevent fraud.
Learn more about social media lookup tools and how they can help you.
Read our digital footprint analysis for fraud prevention findings.
IP Lookup tools are used for a variety of reasons including fraud detection. Learn more about it here!
How do we utilize publicly available OSINT data to make sense of the situation at hand?
Learn more about complex fraud schemes, how they’re setup and what you can do to defend against such attacks.
We’ve compiled a list of fraud terms and fraud definitions in this downloadable guide.
Onboarding users to your organization’s website, app or eshop: everything you need to know.
Alternative credit scoring uses digital footprints and non-traditional data to improve credit access and risk assessment.
Our guide on chargeback fraud prevention and detection, which continues to be a pain point for many eshops.
Bonus abuse goes by many names but continues to plague iGaming.
Ensure your user onboarding follows these established, easy-to-implement best practices.