We Just Raised $94M to Help You Fight Fraud

We Just Raised $94M to Help You Fight Fraud

SEON has always been about delivering the best anti-fraud tools into everyone’s hands. Our Series B investors made that goal one step closer to reality. 

Those familiar with the SEON story will already know that it was born out of a real necessity. When we first opened our crypto exchange, we were assailed by fraudsters. Unable to find tools that were affordable, instantly usable, and effective, we created our own.

Fast-forward a few years, and SEON is on track to becoming the Internet’s fraud prevention of choice. Our mission has been validated by partners such as Revolut, Wise, Mollie, and Patreon who rely on – and love – our tool. 

Today, we’re thrilled to share that we raised $94M for our Series B. 

This is serious fuel for our rocketship, and it’s bringing us one step closer to the goal of democratizing fraud-fighting.

Where We’re Headed

As it turns out, fraudsters aren’t going anywhere. Not a day goes by when we don’t hear about a new attack vector, massive data leak, or a new type of identity fraud. 

In other words: there’s plenty of work left to do. This is our action plan:

  1. Making SEON better, faster: from optimizing current features to bringing you more flexible ways to build your risk tech stack – we’ll be doubling down on what has made SEON so loved by our customers so far. That includes a focus on Product-Led-Growth, so anyone can try SEON 24/7 at their own pace, and with complete independence.
  2. Bringing our team closer to you: we’re going fully global, with expansion plans in LatAm and APAC, as well as the US. That means having customer success team members in every time zone, available for your support 24/7.
  3. Putting our tech at the disposal of small retailers: small online stores are criminally underserved when it comes to fraud protection. We’re making it our mission to build more 1-click integrations for everyone, from global retailers to small online mom and pop shops.
  4. Supercharging our real-time data enrichment: we’re already working on bringing 220+ new data sources in 2022 alone. These will help you get even more granular information about users, customers, and partners – whether it’s for AML, KYB, or chargeback prevention.

And of course, we’re still laser-focused on building an awesome team with the best talent and people in tech. Interested in joining the SEON mission? Apply today!

Thank You!

Ultimately, all the good SEON is doing for the online world couldn’t be possible without our current customers, partners, and investors. 

This round of funding was helped in part by IVP, who are behind some of the biggest success stories in tech, including Snap, Slack, Twitter, and GitHub. 

It wasn’t just their impressive portfolio that sealed the deal after our numerous term sheet offers. IVP’s long-term vision and world-class VC talent give us full confidence that this partnership will be successful for years to come.

Our good friends at Creandum, the VC fund behind Klarna, Bolt, Spotify, and depop, are also contributing, and we’re continuously grateful for their support.

Thank you once again to everyone who joined the SEON journey. 

Let’s continue fighting fraud together.

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