SEON’s Exclusive Interview with the FBI

SEON’s Exclusive Interview with the FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigations needs no introductions! The world renowned intelligence and security service of the United States of America has the purpose of tackling cyber crimes amongst their other responsibilities. While SEON were making content out in the US, Special Agent Scott Hellman took the time to sit down with us to talk about fincrime and fraud, from the outlook criminals take on their victims, through to how you investigate and stop a borderless, faceless global threat.

Scott was great company, keeping what can be a very heavy subject light and entertaining, but also informative. We spent a brilliant few hours at the FBI’s offices in San Francisco, which is a surreal experience having only know ‘the bureau’ through characters and stories seen in the movies and on TV We’d definitely endorse Scott getting his own show!

We hope you enjoy this chat with one of the foremost expert agencies in cyber crime.

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