Digital Bank Carbon Partners With SEON to Build Better Risk Models

Digital Bank Carbon Partners With SEON to Build Better Risk Models

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Carbon Bank, a pan-African digital bank with an active presence in Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana.

SEON will support the fintech company to boost its risk management framework, leveraging data from our Fraud APIs.

This strategic partnership will help Carbon gain clearer insights into customer profiles through enriched customer data that uncovers digital and social footprints highly correlated to fraudulent attempts.

Cecilia Lopez, Head of Data Science at Carbon, commented:

“We are very excited because we want to be tougher in tackling fraud, and SEON enables us to access data points we have never used before. Being able to eliminate a great part of the noise coming from fraud allows us to train more predictive and stable models, and makes us feel much more confident about our risk framework.” 

Dan Watts, Head of Credit Risk, added:

“We’re also thrilled about this partnership because SEON can help us identify synthetic profiles. We see that as a big issue and we want to weed out bad actors without harming our great customer base.”

The ability to help young companies grow with less risk is precisely what SEON was built for, and we hope this partnership will remain long and fruitful. As Jimmy Fong, SEON’s CCO, put it:

“Carbon is providing a much-needed service to pan-African users, and we’re proud to help the company reduce risk as it secures its place as one of the region’s most exciting fintechs.”

Click here to learn more about Carbon.

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