Money 20/20: Key Takeaways for the Financial Industry

Money 20/20: Key Takeaways for the Financial Industry

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Published on June 20, 2024 by Tamas Kadar

This year’s discussions at Money 20/20 in Amsterdam shed light on pivotal trends and transformational shifts within the financial industry. Here, we explore three critical insights poised to shape the future of finance.

APP Fraud and the Upcoming UK Regulation

The looming October 2024 regulation in the UK, which shifts the responsibility for preventing APP fraud onto payment companies and financial institutions, was a hot topic. The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has rejected requests to delay these new rules, emphasizing the urgency of enhanced fraud prevention measures.

The regulation mandates that victims of APP fraud be reimbursed for losses up to £415,000, significantly higher than the industry-proposed threshold. This shift demands companies bolster their fraud detection and prevention capabilities to meet the new standards. As industry players brace for implementing these regulations, the focus remains on balancing regulatory compliance with operational efficiency. The proactive stance of the PSR underscores the critical need to protect consumers and maintain trust in the financial system.

European Fintechs Transitioning to Full-Service Financial Institutions

One prominent theme at Money 20/20 was the significant evolution of European fintechs. Once known primarily as SuperApps offering limited financial services like currency exchange, these companies are now transitioning toward becoming full-service financial institutions, offering a comprehensive suite of services such as lending, insurance, wealth management and traditional banking. With this maturation comes new challenges, particularly in regulatory compliance and licensing across various markets.

During a keynote session, Revolut highlighted this transition, emphasizing the need for fintechs to secure appropriate licenses and adhere to stringent regulatory standards to expand their service offerings. As these companies evolve, they face greater scrutiny from regulatory bodies, necessitating robust compliance frameworks. The ongoing evolution of fintechs signifies their readiness to compete directly with more traditional banks, bringing innovative solutions to the financial services sector.

The Imperative of Fraud Preparedness for Instant Money Payments

Another critical topic at Money 20/20 was the imminent adoption of instant payments. While this advancement promises significant convenience and efficiency, it raises substantial concerns regarding fraud and anti-money laundering (AML) obligations. Many industry leaders voiced apprehensions about the current infrastructure’s ability to identify and mitigate fraudulent activities swiftly.

Discussions centered on the industry’s push for regulatory bodies to delay the implementation of instant money payments. The consensus is clear: the risk to consumers and businesses is too significant without adequate systems to detect and respond to fraud in real time. It will be essential to ensure that the necessary technological and regulatory frameworks are in place to support a successful rollout of instant payments.

The Dynamic Nature of the Financial Industry

Money 20/20 underscored the pressing need for fraud preparedness in the era of instant payments, signaling a transformative period in which innovation and regulation must work together to ensure a secure and efficient financial ecosystem. At SEON, we remain committed to supporting our partners through these transitions, offering cutting-edge fraud prevention and AML solutions that address the industry’s evolving needs.

In a recent interview, Logan Porter, Director of Solution Engineering at SEON, shared the importance of leveraging advanced technologies and data analytics to detect and prevent fraudulent activities while highlighting the role of collaboration within the industry to enhance the overall effectiveness of fraud prevention strategies. Read Porter’s thoughts on combating fraud with SEON’s innovative approach in the full article on Payment Expert.

We look forward to the ongoing discussions and innovations that will change the industry, ensuring we are prepared to meet challenges and seize opportunities that lie ahead.


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Tamas Kadar

Tamás Kádár is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of SEON. His mission to create a fraud-free world began after he founded the CEE’s first crypto exchange in 2017 and found it under constant attack. The solution he built now reduces fraud for 5,000+ companies worldwide, including global leaders such as KLM, Avis, and Patreon. In his spare time, he’s devouring data visualizations and injuring himself while doing basic DIY around his London pad.