Reduce Chargebacks & Stop E-Commerce Fraud

Fulfill your retail orders with confidence using customer-driven insights and AI to prevent and detect fraud. No fraud experience required.

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hearth-iconLeading RETAIL BRANDS Choose SEON


Protect Your Business’ Bottom Line

  • Automatically detect and decline payments from fake and stolen cards to reduce refund fraud
  • Analyze IP and device information to instantly block transactions with mismatching information
  • Accurately identify fraudulent orders that can lead to chargebacks


Improve Your Defenses Against Fraud

  • Use out-of-the-box rules, or customize rules to fit your needs, no matter how complex
  • Use AI-suggested rules to detect suspicious fraudulent patterns and bolster your defenses
  • Get support from our team of fraud experts to make sure your fraud prevention strategy is truly effective for your business


Reduce Fraud-Related Financial Losses

  • Prevent promo abuse and gauge the true impact of your marketing campaigns
  • Analyze customer profiles to identify common fraud signals ahead of time to assess and prevent order risk
  • Instantly decline potentially fraudulent purchases from suspicious devices or connections, including browsers, tools and add-ons

Choose How You Want To Integrate SEON

Integrate directly with SEON’s APIs, or through the AWS Marketplace – the choice is up to you.

Explore technical documentation

See How Our Customers Prevent Fraud & Chargebacks with SEON

Reviewer Company
“I couldn’t believe how fast the results came. Our chargeback rates dropped by 91% in one month. Moreover, the number of fraud catch rates continued to improve in the following 6 months, which is the benefit of deploying a machine learning algorithm to fine-tune accuracy.”
Reviewer Profile
Gergely Kalman
CEO at Unbuffered
Reviewer Company
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Reviewer Company
“We saw an immediate 25% drop in fraudulent transactions and when we layered on machine learning, we increased the accuracy of detecting fraud by an additional 15%.”
Reviewer Profile
Lucrecia Vera
Partner at Solventa
Reviewer Company
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Learn More About Preventing Retail Fraud

Solutions Leading Retail Organizations Trust

Transform Your Fraud & Money Laundering Prevention

“SEON significantly enhanced our fraud prevention efficiency, freeing up time and resources for better policies, procedures, and rules.”

Vladislav Notevskyi, Head of KYC at Soft2Bet

  • Automate 95% of fraud checks
  • Reduce fraudulent registrations by 90%
  • Accelerate manual reviews by 90%
TRUSTED BY 5000+ GLOBAL Organizations:

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