How to Make the Most Out of Enriched Data – Masterclass

How to Make the Most Out of Enriched Data – Masterclass

How to make the most out of enriched data – Masterclass

Episode 5

Date: July 4, 2023

Time: 5 PM GMT / 12 PM ET


Are you looking to extract valuable insights from raw data without the complexities of fraud prevention? Join our SEON Masterclass and discover how to effectively manage and make the most out of raw data.

In Episode 5, you’ll learn about:

  • Discover how to effectively utilize raw data from SEON to understand your customers’ digital footprints.
  • See how SEON’s data enrichment capabilities can benefit you beyond fraud prevention in tasks like alternative credit scoring and building machine learning models.
  • Learn best practices for handling enriched data, integrating it into your systems, and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

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