Consolidated Fraud-Stack Dodgeball Integrates SEON’s Unified Fraud Prevention Platform

Consolidated Fraud-Stack Dodgeball Integrates SEON’s Unified Fraud Prevention Platform

With this partnership, Dodgeball will incorporate SEON’s unified online fraud and anti-money laundering platform to give companies the ability to prevent fincrime in a real-time, scalable solution.

Dodgeball uses integrations from many different data sources to fully protect users on every step of their journey. Commenting on the partnership Jason Alafgani, Head of Growth mentioned 

SEON aims to provide real-time data to ensure that at the point of sign-up, there is no friction, immediately identifying potential fraudsters and money launderers. 

Jimmy Fong SEON’s Chief Compliance Officer commented this on the partnership

With fraud on the rise in the current economic downturn there has never been a better time to protect businesses from fraud. We are proud to be partnering with a company that shares similar values and wants to stop fincrime on all levels. At SEON, our focus is on offering the most robust and reliable anti-fraud solutions possible, By partnering with Dodgeball we can provide an even stronger service to our customers, with real-time data and a more comprehensive approach to fraud, AML and Fincrime

Jason concluded with

With SEON’s expertise and technology, this new partnership gives us confidence that will enable us to better serve our customers and stay ahead of fraudulent activity. We look forward to the exciting developments that will arise from this collaboration and the positive impact it will have on our customers, saving them costs and meeting strict regulations.

For more information on Dodgeball, please visit

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