Catch Fraudsters in Record Time

Catch Fraudsters in Record Time

Happy March, everyone! Even though the usual New Year’s motivation and energy levels tend to fade away around mid-January, we’ve kept the spirits up and remained busy bees throughout the first months of the year, preparing new features and improvements for you in SEON. There’s a new Rule Engine. A new AML API. New Admin pages. And so much more! Here’s a shiny collection of product updates you need to hear about.

Product updates

Faster and simpler rule creation: The new Rule Engine

A brand new, side-by-side view and automated logic to minimize errors and make your life easier. This rules! Try the new Custom Rules editor 

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We launched Anti Money Laundering API

That’s right, our new AML module is now officially part of the SEON product suite. Check our AML overview

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Refresh for the Transaction Details page 

Things just got snappier and more responsive with a handful of quality of life updates. Explore the revamped Transaction Details page

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A new look for the Team page 

We redesigned and reorganized the Team page so you can access all necessary information in one place. The My account page also got a similar update. Check the new Team page

AML Widgets & More

You thought that was it? Here’s more: a bunch of useful SEON Docs we published/updated this month: 

  1. Transaction Details – Widgets Overview
  2. Data enrichment widgets
  3. Devices & OS Widget
  4. AML Widget overview
  5. Transactions overview
This was the March edition of SEON Tech Digest. Scroll down to sign up for the SEON Product Newsletter to get monthly updates about new features to your inbox!

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