Device Fingerprinting with Fraud API

"SEON has the most data points that you can get from a single device."

G2 4.2 rating

Identify Users Based on Their System Configuration

Pictures may say a thousand words, but user devices say even more. SEON's device fingerprinting uses hundreds of data points to help you identify your users and take down fraud rings.

See How it Works

Explore our Hashes


We Check for Unusual Settings

  • Privacy browsers
  • Incognito mode, jailbreaks, Tor, VPNs
  • Anti-fingerprinting extensions
  • Unpopular screen resolutions
  • Virtual machines
  • Emulators
  • Rare environments
  • Spoofing tools
  • Bots, automation, testing tools

See How SEON Stops Fraud

Stop All Fraud-Related Threats


Examining a user’s hardware and software is the best way to understand how users connect to your site. SEON harnesses this treasure trove of information to identify returning users, spot hidden links between accounts, and flag suspicious logins.
The more data you have, the more protected you are. By investigating hundreds of real-time data points, SEON’s device fingerprinting goes the extra mile in keeping you safer.
Leverage it to automate your defenses and improve your online security without slowing down your best customers. Recognize how risky a user is so you can instantly accept legitimate logins and signups with minimum friction – and introduce extra verification and authentication only where it makes sense, for riskier users.


What industries can SEON’s device fingerprinting help?

Device fingerprinting is suitable for every industry subject to fraud which, today, unfortunately, is everyone, from iGaming to fintech, ecommerce, ticketing, and beyond. As for use cases, they include identifying fraudsters at the signup and pre-KYC stage, reducing bonus abuse, securing payments, and protecting user accounts from takeovers.

Where can I find more information on this module?

The SEON Knowledge Base contains all the information you need to get started with device fingerprinting. You can also refer to our API guide or read more about the technical details in this device fingerprinting blog post.
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"As soon as our staff used SEON on a regular basis, they could see its value. It immediately started saving them time as they didn’t have to trawl through the usual checkpoints. So much so, that the time spent by Air France analysts on manual reviews is down by an impressive 70%. Instead, all the information they needed was on one screen with a simple scoring system enabling them to see if a transaction was real or not."
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Eric Facquet
Deputy Manager of Fraud Prevention
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"The most useful thing for us was to be able to see if the email and phone numbers weren’t registered anywhere. We also rely on the device fingerprinting metadata in our scorecard to filter out junk users. We immediately saved about 6% of costs on our automated KYC checks. After only 2 months, we started seeing impressive results. Up to 3 times fewer cases of defaulting customers in new regions such as Romania and Europe. 4 months later, the fraud rates dropped by over 65%."
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Sergey Bogdanov
Chief Risk Officer
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"We were looking at another provider, but they came back to us with a 4-6 months integration window. With SEON, it was literally a phone call, sandbox tests on Monday and by the end of the week, it was done. One other thing I’d like to comment on is the pricing model. It’s really 2022, like for scaling together. The SEON model, it’s now one we actively look for with our other partners. Clearly an organization that approaches work and its customers in a different way."
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Coert Snyman
Senior Analyst
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"I tested some extra rules, and over a few months I managed to push SEON’s auto approval from an initial accuracy of 95% unto 99.5%. Taking the time to update your SEON rules is an investment that gives great results. And the best thing is that we can do so without deploying any software. From an engineering perspective, it is extremely time and resource saving, allowing us to react much faster."
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Phillipp Keller
Senior Product Manager
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"I couldn’t believe how fast the results came,” says Gergely. “Our chargeback rates dropped by 91% in one month only.” Moreover, the number of manual queries and fraud catch rates continued to improve after the initial 30 days as the system adjusted itself – part of the benefits of deploying a machine-learning algorithm to fine-tune accuracy."
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Gergely Kálmán
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"SEON allows us to stay one step ahead as by keeping advantage players at bay we are able to continue offering competitive bonuses with low wagering requirements to our players,” Daniel says. “And the fact that SEON team are so open to feedback and implement the feedback quickly gives us as their client a significant advantage which we couldn’t find with other competitors in their field."
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Daniel Saliba
Head of Compliance
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"It wasn’t just the technology that’s great though, the education side of things helped us understand the types of tactics and patterns used by fraudsters and put rules into place to prevent them."
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Stacey Pickering
Head of Operations
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"We deployed SEON both on our website and web app to gather device data as well as IP and email information. It was unbelievably fast, both in terms of integration and results. In 4 days only, our fraud rates were pretty much down to 0."
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Lewis Bye
Senior Projects and Operations Specialist
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"We overlay SEON’s digital and social lookup with device fingerprinting to get a good indication of whether the phone or tablet belongs to the actual client. We can instantly filter out obvious fraudsters with no digital or social presence, and we get better intelligence to automate our decision making."
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Juris Rieksts-Riekstinš
Head of Risk

Read More About
Device Fingerprinting

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